Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Using new communication technologies


1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

At different stages in my life I have had different friends. Some have remained friends. Some have unfortunately reduced to acquaintances. Although, with new communication technologies, I have been able to stay connected with many of them.

However, I must admit that I am more enthusiastic and motivated to contact my immediate friends. On facebook, myspace and other profile pages that I have been persuaded to join, I have numerous friends, but only a handful which I communicate with on a regular basis. Therefore my relationships with others is not necessary affected.

With the invention of mobile phones communication has become quick and efficient. Access to the internet is not always available which is why the reliable, portable mobile phone is so popular and effective in communicating with friends worldwide.

I have grown up through the age of internet and mobile phones, so I don't know a world without these materials. I admit that the reason why I started using most of these popular fads was because everyone was involved and I was intrigued. I use these new communication technologies to interact with friends and if they did not use them, what would be the incentive for me to?

I guess there are "randoms" or such that have added me on msn, myspace or other profile pages, but I have not interacted with them. I know many people that have met others over the internet and label them as "friends", but they can't compare to your everyday friends. How can you trust someone you meet in cyberspace? How can you know someone you meet through words and a screen? How can you even know if you like the person that's sitting on the other side of the computer? Therefore, how can you classify them as friends?

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